Does This Smell Organic to You?

Women are throwing out their Chanel No. 5 and other classic scents and replacing them with Certified Organic Fragrances instead…and here’s why.
People are seeking transparency in all aspects of life, especially, when it comes to their health and well-being. Consumers are questioning what their products are made of now more than ever before. In fact, six out of 10 women now read cosmetic product labels prior to purchase and 75% of millennial women say they favor buying natural beauty products over synthetic ingredients.

It is clear women are realizing that some of their favorite skin care products are filled with chemicals and don’t know what damage these chemicals are causing. This trend has prompted the Beauty Industry to convert to certified organic, plant based and natural ingredients more and more. For quite some time perfumes were able to slip under the radar when it came to this trend, simply because the companies used the mystery of their ingredients as part of their allure. But the ugly truth, is that fragrance is the leading cause of skin inflammation, which affects more than 2 million Americans. Other allergies are also often triggered which makes one wonder, why?

Once, perfumers relied on nature for what they bottled, but today as companies attempt to mass produce cheaper products with longer shelf life, they’ve started using synthetic ingredients which can be detrimental to our long-term health. That said, cosmetic companies are rising up and giving consumers what they want. Yes, you’ve got options!

Michelle Pfeiffer, who refused to wear perfume for 10 years, stands strongly behind this movement and has released her own fragrance line “Henry Rose” which she calls the “100 percent transparent fragrance line”, listing every single ingredient and guaranteeing their safety. Henry Rose priced at $120USD is the first high-end perfume to be certified by the Environmental Working Group.

If you want a more affordable option, check out the Queen Bee Fragrance line which you can find at Target for $24.99USD. The Queen Bee fragrance line is vegan, cruelty free, Paraben-free, Propylene Glycol-free and smells divine!

At the mid-range price point, Skylar Fragrance $78USD, is consciously crafted, hypo-allergenic and completely free of all toxic chemicals that will leave you with a delightfully fresh and clean scent.

Lake and Skye, $48USD, is another conscious fragrance company that is all organic, GMO free and all of their ingredients are sourced from the most ethical farms in the world. You can choose from the signature fragrance, and aromatherapy blends to the floral waters.

Finally, we must mention Recreation Beauty by Nedahl Stelios. An all-natural fragrance based out of Sydney’s Bondi Beach. With almost all organic ingredients and no chemicals whatsoever this vegan perfume priced around $100AUD a bottle is not only one of the most ethical choices for perfume you could make but one of the most luxurious as well.

This trend is a promising one and a reflection of the direction our world is moving in. Truth, transparency, health and self-love are where we’re heading, and we don’t have to compromise smelling fabulous to get there!

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